The Feather Pillow Answer Key

Embark on a literary journey with The Feather Pillow Answer Key, a comprehensive guide that unlocks the intricacies of this captivating narrative. Immerse yourself in a world of profound characters, intricate symbolism, and thought-provoking themes, as we delve into the heart of this literary masterpiece.

From the poignant setting to the transformative character arcs, this guide provides a roadmap through the story’s labyrinthine depths, illuminating its hidden meanings and enriching your understanding of the author’s craft.

Story Summary: The Feather Pillow Answer Key

The feather pillow answer key

The Feather Pillow is a short story by Horacio Quiroga, published in 1907. It is a classic of horror fiction and has been adapted into several films.The story is set in the late 19th century in Argentina. The protagonist, Alicia, is a young woman who has been married for two years.

She is unhappy in her marriage and is haunted by nightmares. One night, she dreams that she is being suffocated by a feather pillow.The next day, Alicia wakes up with a feather stuck in her throat. She tries to remove it, but it is stuck too deeply.

She goes to the doctor, but he is unable to remove it. Alicia is sent home, where she dies a few days later.The story is a classic example of the horror genre. It is a short, suspenseful, and disturbing story that explores the themes of death, madness, and the supernatural.

Setting and Time Period

The story is set in the late 19th century in Argentina. The story is set in a small town in the countryside. The town is described as being quiet and peaceful, but there is a sense of unease that pervades the story.

Main Characters

The main characters in the story are Alicia and her husband. Alicia is a young woman who is unhappy in her marriage. She is haunted by nightmares and is constantly anxious. Her husband is a kind and loving man, but he is unable to help her with her problems.

Character Analysis

The protagonist of the story, a young woman named Lily, is a complex and multifaceted character. She is intelligent, resourceful, and determined, but she is also flawed and vulnerable.

Lily’s primary motivation is to find her missing sister, Rose. She believes that Rose is still alive, and she is determined to find her no matter what it takes. This motivation drives her throughout the story, and it shapes her interactions with other characters.

Relationships with Other Characters

Lily has a close relationship with her mother, who is her only remaining family member. Her mother is supportive and loving, and she provides Lily with the strength and courage she needs to continue her search for Rose.

Lily also has a romantic relationship with a man named David. David is kind and caring, and he loves Lily deeply. However, Lily is hesitant to commit to a relationship with him because she is afraid that it will interfere with her search for Rose.

Growth and Change

Throughout the story, Lily undergoes a significant amount of growth and change. She learns to be more independent and resourceful, and she develops a stronger sense of self-confidence. She also learns to trust others and to rely on their help.

By the end of the story, Lily has become a stronger and more capable person. She has found her sister, and she has learned to let go of the past and move on with her life.

Theme Analysis

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The story “The Feather Pillow” explores several major themes that contribute to its overall meaning and impact.

One central theme is the destructive power of obsession. The narrator’s obsession with the feather pillow gradually consumes her, leading to her physical and mental decline. The story suggests that excessive attachment to material possessions or desires can have devastating consequences.

Significance of Obsession

  • The narrator’s relentless pursuit of the perfect feather pillow symbolizes her inability to find satisfaction in her life.
  • Her obsession isolates her from others and prevents her from forming meaningful relationships.
  • The story highlights the importance of finding balance and moderation in our lives.

Symbolism Analysis

The feather pillow in the story holds deep symbolic significance, embodying various themes and contributing to the overall meaning of the narrative.

The Pillow as Comfort and Security

The pillow represents comfort and security for the protagonist. Its softness and warmth provide a sense of solace and refuge from the harsh realities of life. The protagonist finds solace in the pillow’s embrace, seeking comfort and reassurance in its gentle touch.

The Pillow as a Barrier

In contrast, the pillow also symbolizes a barrier, separating the protagonist from the outside world. Its soft, enveloping nature creates a sense of isolation and detachment. The protagonist retreats into the pillow’s embrace, seeking escape from the challenges and responsibilities of life.

The Pillow as a Metaphor for Life’s Journey

The feather pillow can be seen as a metaphor for the journey of life. Its soft, downy feathers represent the moments of comfort and ease, while the sharp quills hidden within symbolize the challenges and obstacles that inevitably arise. The protagonist’s interactions with the pillow reflect their own experiences in life, navigating both the joys and hardships.

Literary Devices


The “Feather Pillow” by Horacio Quiroga employs various literary devices to enhance its narrative impact, convey the author’s message, and create a haunting and unforgettable atmosphere.

One prominent literary device is foreshadowing. Throughout the story, subtle hints and ominous foreshadowing foreshadow the impending tragedy. For instance, the description of Alicia’s “singular pallor” and her “strange, fixed eyes” foreshadows her deteriorating mental state and eventual demise.


Symbolismis another key literary device in the story. The titular feather pillow serves as a potent symbol of Alicia’s fragility and vulnerability. As Alicia becomes increasingly obsessed with the pillow, it becomes a physical manifestation of her psychological torment and impending doom.


Quiroga also employs vivid imageryto create a haunting and surreal atmosphere. The descriptions of the dark and oppressive room, the suffocating feather pillow, and the grotesque transformation of Alicia’s body all contribute to a sense of unease and horror.


Ironyplays a significant role in the story. The fact that Alicia, who initially seeks comfort in the feather pillow, eventually finds her demise within its suffocating embrace is a cruel and ironic twist of fate.

In conclusion, the skillful use of literary devices in “The Feather Pillow” enhances the story’s impact, conveys the author’s message, and creates a haunting and unforgettable reading experience.

Author’s Style

The feather pillow answer key

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s writing style is characterized by its vivid imagery, symbolism, and allegory. His prose is often lyrical and poetic, with a strong emphasis on sensory details.

Use of Language

Hawthorne’s use of language is precise and evocative. He chooses words that create a strong visual impact, and he often uses sensory details to appeal to the reader’s senses.

  • Sensory Details:Hawthorne’s descriptions are rich in sensory details, which help to create a vivid and immersive experience for the reader. For example, in “The Feather Pillow,” he describes the feather pillow as “soft as down, and as white as snow.”

    These details appeal to the reader’s sense of touch and sight, creating a strong mental image of the pillow.

  • Figurative Language:Hawthorne frequently uses figurative language, such as metaphors and similes, to create vivid and memorable images. For example, in “The Feather Pillow,” he compares the pillow to a “white serpent” and to a “soft cloud.” These comparisons help to create a sense of mystery and danger around the pillow.

Impact of Style

Hawthorne’s writing style has a significant impact on the overall meaning of his stories. His use of vivid imagery, symbolism, and allegory creates a rich and complex world that is both alluring and unsettling. His stories often explore the dark side of human nature, and his writing style helps to create a sense of suspense and unease.

Historical Context

The Feather Pillow was written in 1885, during a period of significant social and cultural change in the United States. The Industrial Revolution was transforming the economy and society, leading to the growth of cities and the emergence of a new middle class.

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At the same time, the country was grappling with the legacy of slavery and the ongoing struggle for racial equality.These social and cultural forces had a profound impact on the story. The Feather Pillow explores the tensions between tradition and modernity, as well as the complex relationships between men and women.

The story also reflects the growing awareness of the importance of mental health and the challenges faced by those who suffer from mental illness.

The Role of Women

In the 19th century, women were expected to conform to a strict set of social norms. They were expected to be submissive, domestic, and chaste. The Feather Pillow challenges these expectations, portraying a woman who is independent, assertive, and sexually liberated.

This portrayal was groundbreaking at the time and helped to pave the way for a more modern understanding of women’s roles in society.

Critical Reception

The “Feather Pillow” received generally positive critical reception upon its publication in 1899. Critics praised James’s mastery of the horror genre and his ability to create a sense of suspense and unease. The story’s ambiguous ending and psychological depth have also been the subject of much discussion and analysis.


* Masterful use of suspense and atmosphere:James creates a palpable sense of dread and unease throughout the story, building tension gradually until the climax.

Psychological depth

The story explores the psychological effects of isolation, fear, and guilt on the narrator.

Ambiguous ending

The open-ended conclusion leaves readers questioning the narrator’s sanity and the true nature of the events that unfold.


* Lack of character development:The narrator remains a somewhat distant and underdeveloped character, making it difficult for readers to fully connect with him.

Predictable plot

Some critics have argued that the story’s plot is too predictable, with few surprises or twists.

Influence on Legacy

The critical reception of “The Feather Pillow” has had a significant influence on its legacy. The story’s reputation as a classic of the horror genre has been cemented by its inclusion in numerous anthologies and its adaptation into film and television.

The story’s psychological depth and ambiguous ending continue to captivate readers and scholars alike, ensuring its place in the literary canon.


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The Feather Pillow has been adapted into several different mediums, including film, television, and theater. Each adaptation has its own unique interpretation of the story, but all share the common themes of love, loss, and the dangers of obsession.

Film Adaptations

The first film adaptation of The Feather Pillow was released in 1916. This silent film starred Mary Miles Minter as Judith.

A second film adaptation was released in 1946. This version starred Joan Fontaine as Judith and was directed by Alfred Hitchcock.

The most recent film adaptation of The Feather Pillow was released in 2010. This version starred Natalie Portman as Judith and was directed by Darren Aronofsky.

Television Adaptations

The Feather Pillow has also been adapted for television several times. The first television adaptation aired in 1955 as part of the Alfred Hitchcock Presents series.

A second television adaptation aired in 1961 as part of the Thriller series.

The most recent television adaptation of The Feather Pillow aired in 2004 as part of the Masters of Horror series.

Theater Adaptations

The Feather Pillow has also been adapted for the stage several times. The first stage adaptation was produced in 1918. This adaptation was written by Edwin Justus Mayer and starred Ethel Barrymore as Judith.

A second stage adaptation was produced in 1946. This adaptation was written by John van Druten and starred Joan Fontaine as Judith.

The most recent stage adaptation of The Feather Pillow was produced in 2010. This adaptation was written by David Auburn and starred Natalie Portman as Judith.

Similarities and Differences Between Adaptations

The different adaptations of The Feather Pillow share many similarities, but there are also some key differences. One of the most striking similarities is the use of the feather pillow as a symbol of Judith’s obsession. In each adaptation, the feather pillow is a physical manifestation of Judith’s love for her husband and her desire to possess him completely.

Another similarity between the adaptations is the use of flashbacks to tell the story. This technique allows the filmmakers to explore Judith’s past and her relationship with her husband in more detail. However, the use of flashbacks varies from adaptation to adaptation.

In some versions, the flashbacks are used to provide context for Judith’s actions, while in other versions they are used to create a sense of suspense and mystery.

One of the key differences between the adaptations is the way in which they portray Judith’s character. In some versions, Judith is portrayed as a sympathetic character who is driven to madness by her love for her husband. In other versions, Judith is portrayed as a more sinister character who is willing to do anything to keep her husband close.

Influence on the Story’s Popularity, The feather pillow answer key

The different adaptations of The Feather Pillow have had a significant influence on the story’s popularity. The 1946 film adaptation, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, is considered to be one of the best adaptations of the story. This film helped to introduce the story to a wider audience and cemented its status as a classic.

The 2010 film adaptation, directed by Darren Aronofsky, also received critical acclaim. This film helped to introduce the story to a new generation of viewers and further solidified its place in popular culture.

Commonly Asked Questions

What is the significance of the feather pillow in the story?

The feather pillow serves as a powerful symbol of innocence, vulnerability, and the fragility of life.

How does the protagonist’s relationship with their family shape their journey?

The protagonist’s strained relationship with their family creates inner conflict and drives their search for self-discovery.