Match The Correct Economic Term With Each Scenario

Match the correct economic term with each scenario. By understanding the underlying principles of economic concepts, you can make more informed decisions and develop effective policies.

This exercise will help you solidify your understanding of economic terminology and its application in real-world situations.

Matching Economic Terms with Scenarios

Match the correct economic term with each scenario

In economics, it is essential to correctly match economic terms with the appropriate scenarios to fully grasp the underlying principles and applications of these concepts. This exercise requires a clear understanding of both the economic terms and the contexts in which they are relevant.

This article provides an overview of the fundamental economic terms, explains their underlying principles, and presents a series of scenarios. The goal is to match each economic term with the corresponding scenario, justifying the matches with logical reasoning and real-world examples.

Economic Concepts, Match the correct economic term with each scenario

The following are the key economic terms that will be discussed:

  • Supply and demand: The interaction between the quantity of a good or service that producers are willing and able to supply and the quantity that consumers are willing and able to purchase.
  • Elasticity: The responsiveness of quantity demanded or supplied to changes in price or other factors.
  • Equilibrium: The point at which the quantity supplied equals the quantity demanded.
  • Marginal utility: The additional satisfaction or benefit derived from consuming one more unit of a good or service.
  • Opportunity cost: The value of the next best alternative that is foregone when a choice is made.


The following are the scenarios that will be used to match the economic terms:

  • Scenario 1: The price of gasoline increases, and as a result, consumers purchase less gasoline.
  • Scenario 2: A new technology is introduced that makes it possible to produce more goods with the same resources.
  • Scenario 3: A natural disaster destroys a significant portion of the housing stock in a city.
  • Scenario 4: A new law is passed that increases the minimum wage.
  • Scenario 5: A new product is introduced that is a close substitute for an existing product.

Matching Exercise

Economic Term Scenario
Supply and demand Scenario 1
Elasticity Scenario 2
Equilibrium Scenario 3
Marginal utility Scenario 4
Opportunity cost Scenario 5


The following is the justification for each match:

  • Supply and demand: Scenario 1 involves a change in the price of gasoline, which affects the quantity supplied and demanded, demonstrating the principles of supply and demand.
  • Elasticity: Scenario 2 involves a change in technology that affects the quantity supplied, which illustrates the concept of elasticity.
  • Equilibrium: Scenario 3 involves a disruption to the housing market that affects the quantity supplied and demanded, leading to a new equilibrium.
  • Marginal utility: Scenario 4 involves a change in the minimum wage that affects the marginal utility of labor for firms.
  • Opportunity cost: Scenario 5 involves a choice between two products, highlighting the concept of opportunity cost.

Real-World Applications

The following are some real-world applications of the economic terms discussed:

  • Supply and demand: Businesses use supply and demand analysis to determine pricing strategies and production levels.
  • Elasticity: Governments use elasticity analysis to design tax policies and regulate industries.
  • Equilibrium: Economists use equilibrium analysis to predict market outcomes and make policy recommendations.
  • Marginal utility: Consumers use marginal utility analysis to make decisions about how much of a good or service to consume.
  • Opportunity cost: Businesses and individuals use opportunity cost analysis to make investment and spending decisions.

FAQ: Match The Correct Economic Term With Each Scenario

What is the purpose of matching economic terms to scenarios?

Matching economic terms to scenarios helps clarify economic concepts, facilitates decision-making, and enables effective policy formulation.

How does matching economic terms to scenarios contribute to a deeper understanding of economic principles?

By connecting abstract economic concepts to real-world situations, matching exercises make economic principles more tangible and relatable, fostering a deeper comprehension.

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